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Annual Report & Projects

Hogar Escuela Armando Rosenburg

C/Agustín López, # 9 Barrio Dos de Enero, Sabana Perdida, Municipio

Santo Domingo Norte, Provincia Santo Domingo RD

Hola Amigos


This past year has been a relatively quiet period with few children at the Hogar.  Sister Lourdes devoted her time to continue upgrading the property and finalizing a Memorial to our Founder called "Woody's Park."  It is a major reconstruction of the existing playground.  In June of 2020 we supported that project with $12,000 fund transfer.  In August, a $5,000 transfer was made for maintenance on the Dormitory Grounds and in November an additional $4,000 for Woody's Park completion. 

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In January of 2021, we lost a very dear friend and active Board Member to COVID-19.  Jack Vassallo was an integral part of the Foundation for many years and is missed very much.  He chaired our container projects for many years and served as the Board's Attorney.  He and Barbara also served as yearlong exchange hosts to Raisa.  She was a young student from HOGAR who attended Holy Cross High School during this year long stay before returning home to the HOGAR.

Going forward, a major concern was a leaking roof on the dining hall, which Lourdes wanted to repair with a Zinc roof, providing a long life plus additional space.  The estimated cost of $70,000 was a BIG number and as we evaluated the situation, two things happened.  Sister Lourdes had a facial burn accident, was hospitalized and went to Mocha to recover.  While recovering, she received a notice that a new roof had been installed.  As a result, the Zinc idea was no longer feasible.


Later on in 2021, as a result of the government's periodic failure to continue their monthly stipend, we were asked for help.  In May, $5,000 was transferred to the Special Account for her use, thus making our total financial transfers to the Special Account, during the fiscal year of $14,000.  Our income for the same fiscal period was $12,839.03 creating deficit of $1,663.10.


In July, as a result of Board Member Taylor Warne's very successful Fund Me Birthday request via Facebook, we received a check for $785.  To facilitate donations and banking access, a PayPal account and Online Banking were finalized.


A former student from the early years at the Hogar, working on her biography, contacted us for help.  Board members Jim Morris and Angelo Aiello provided her lots of information about the early years.  We are looking forward to receiving a copy upon completion.

Orchid Foundation Inc.

P.O. Box 2452

Willingboro, NJ 08046 USA

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